
Healthy Alternatives to Make A Better You

By Tom Pierson posted 04-01-2019 21:57

We all have our vices. Whether or not we allow them to dictate our lives requires considerable resolve. In fact, a Harvard study shows that habitual patterns are formed by three behaviors: mindfulness, routine, and gratification. With that said, maintaining a healthy lifestyle is as easy said than done. If you’ve subjected yourself to destructive habits, consider adopting the healthy alternatives below

Meditation > Overeating 
If you find comfort in food, you likely overindulge in snacks. Excessive consumption, in any capacity, does not bode well for optimal health. Instead of overeating, consider meditating to quiet the mind. Meditation is a natural remedy to various problems, with stress being the most prominent. For most, eating is presumed to be a surefire way to combat stress, but there’s neither rhyme or reason to this notion. 

E-cigs > Smoking 
No doubt a modern approach to quitting cold turkey, e-cigarettes are touted as the most revolutionary and efficient way to kick a smoking habit. What’s more, health professionals continually propagate the efficacy of e-cigarettes. Not only is smoking wildly injurious to your health, but it’s wholly unappealing to non-smokers as well. Electronic cigarettes, however, don't pose a threat to your well-being and are far more affordable than the cancer-inducing alternative. 

Sunblock > Unprotected Sunbathing 
The growing prevalence of skin cancer underscores the importance of protecting your skin against the sun’s harsh UV rays. If you think you’re mightier than the sun, you’re sorely misinformed. The sun is even powerful on cloudy days. With that said, it’s crucial to wear sunblock while in the sun and apply moisturizers that contain SPF daily. 

Wholesome Coping Mechanisms > Alcohol 
During our darkest hours, alcohol rears its ugly head in hopes of appealing to our vulnerabilities. Unfortunately, most succumb to the temptation. Drinking in excess is harmful to your liver, and it precludes you from getting to the root of your problems. Finding constructive ways to grapple with ongoing issues is prudent, and you become more in tune with your emotions as a result. Exercise, spirituality, and humor are all popular coping techniques that provide a more lasting impact than alcohol. 

Adequate Sleep > Insufficient Rest 
If you’re prone to insomnia, sleep can seem like an impossible task. Or, perhaps you’re someone who thinks they can thrive on minimal sleep. Whatever the case may be, the benefits of sleep are not to be undermined. Inadequate sleeping schedules create hormonal imbalances, unpredictable mood swings, and increased stress levels. With that in mind, it’s best to catch as much z’s as you can. Chamomile tea and melatonin supplements are two ways to regulate your sleep-wake cycles. 

Abandoning Unhealthy Relationships > Tolerating Toxicity 
When it comes to interpersonal strife, there’s nothing more heart-wrenching than having to detach yourself from people who no longer contribute positively to your life. While this breakup may elicit profound sadness, toxicity only begets toxicity. As you get older, you'll find that it becomes increasingly difficult to forge sincere relationships. In hopes of finding someone who complements you, some introspection is warranted. Loving others is only made possible when you genuinely love yourself. 

Going Outside > Being Cooped Up Indoors 
Smart TVs and iPads and video games, oh my! There’s no refuting how digitally driven our society is, and it’s lead to shameful tendencies. Rather than appreciate the great outdoors, we’d rather spend quality time with technology. Physical activity is paramount, and studies reveal that those who put a premium on their physical health reap substantial rewards.
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