While health practitioners and pharmacies remain open during the shutdown around the country, you can still access your chronic medications. But what about the risk you are exposing yourself and others to when you go there? And even more importantly, why use these services in person when there’s a technologically effective way to do so?
Telemedicine defined
When you use telemedicine services, you consult a doctor in a virtual space. This is ideal for those who are unable to leave the house or who do not live in close proximity to a doctor’s consulting rooms.
You and the doctor share a real-time appointment using your computer or cellphone camera, even though you’re not in the same room. From the consultation, the doctor can offer a potential diagnosis, treatment program, and online prescription. However, in the interests of best practice, the online doctor might recommend that you visit your doctor in person.
A telemedicine appointment is far better than consulting your doctor over the telephone. A doctor needs to see and hear you to understand what is wrong, as your description of symptoms might not give them all the information they need. A video appointment provides the doctor with a better picture of what is going on, allowing them to make the right recommendations and treatment decisions.
Software safety
Many people might worry about sharing their medical history and information over the internet. They know the doctor is obliged to keep the matter confidential, but what about the software? A telemedicine app offers its users easy access and stringent data protection measures.
Patients can also access the services of a nurse if they have questions about their condition and how to apply the treatment program. The in-app chat function makes it even easier.
Choosing the right doctor
When it comes to online doctors, you can select a doctor based on geographic location and specialty. Browse online to see which medical practitioners available to you. The information about the relevant doctor is easy to access on the app.
Under the pandemic lockdown rules, it will give you peace of mind to know that you can consult a doctor at any time, especially during an emergency. It helps that you can get medical advice when you’re not sure how to proceed without clogging up the 911 call center, emergency vehicles, and hospital waiting room.
Online prescriptions
A lot of people are turning to telemedicine to reduce their direct and indirect contact with others. Bear in mind that those already taking chronic medications already have an underlying condition, and the comorbidity with a virus can be very dangerous. You can request a prescription from a doctor using the telemedicine app.
From there, the prescription is forwarded to a nearby pharmacy, where it can be filled. After that, you can collect your medicine or have it delivered if your pharmacy offers that service. Either way, you’ve reduced your interpersonal physical content, making it safer for you and everyone else around you.
Utilizing telemedicine services saves both you and the medical professional time. This is essential now more than ever, with the healthcare system being swamped without enough practitioners to meet the exponentially growing need.
You’ll also save on the cost of travel to consult a doctor if you use telemedicine services. This is especially helpful if you live in a rural area and must cover many miles to get to the nearest doctor, clinic, or hospital.
The way of the future
The coronavirus outbreak won’t be the last infectious disease we might experience in our lifetimes. What has given us the advantage this time is that people are more easily able to self-isolate because there are many things that they can do from home thanks to advancing technology.